
2015年5月18日—法國羅浮宮(Louvre)鎮館之寶「米洛的維納斯」(VenusdeMilo)更以她純白無垢的肌膚,優美勻稱的體態聞名;她的衣衫輕巧地滑落腰際之下,顯得性感迷人 ...,2024年2月15日—VénusdeMilo·-150/-125(3equartIIes.av.J.-C.)·Lieudecréation:Mélos=Milo(?)Lieudedécouverte:Mélos(Milo)-1820·LL299 ...,You'restandingbeforeVenusdeMilo,oneofthemostfamoussculpturesofHellenisticartandalsooneofthemostimpressiver...

米洛維納斯真實身份? 藝術史之謎解密

2015年5月18日 — 法國羅浮宮(Louvre)鎮館之寶「米洛的維納斯」(Venus de Milo)更以她純白無垢的肌膚,優美勻稱的體態聞名;她的衣衫輕巧地滑落腰際之下,顯得性感迷人 ...

Vénus de Milo

2024年2月15日 — Vénus de Milo · -150 / -125 (3e quart IIe s. av. J.-C.) · Lieu de création : Mélos = Milo (?) Lieu de découverte : Mélos (Milo) - 1820 · LL 299 ...

LOUVRE MUSEUM, Venus De Milo Sully Wing Hall 16

You're standing before Venus de Milo, one of the most famous sculptures of Hellenistic art and also one of the most impressive representations of feminine ...

Venus de Milo

2024年3月1日 — Venus de Milo, ancient statue commonly thought to represent Aphrodite, now in Paris at the Louvre. It was carved from marble by Alexandros ...

Ideal Greek Beauty

The Venus de Milo entered the Louvre in 1821 but her location within the museum has been changed several times. Unsurprisingly, she was first placed in the ...

No title (Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum)

No title (Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum) (1860s) from the No title (Stephen Thompson album) (1859- c. 1868). Stephen THOMPSON (attributed to).

The Venus de Milo at the Louvre Museum

To see the Venus de Milo at the Louvre, head to gallery 16 on the ground floor of the Sully wing. Don't miss your chance to admire the work's beauty and ...

File:Venus de Milo Louvre Ma399.jpg

描述. English: So-called “Venus de Milo” (Aphrodite from Melos). Parian marble, ca. 130-100 BC? Found in Melos in 1820. · 尺寸, H. 2.02 m (6 ft. 7 ½ in.).